Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Archive for December, 2012


“Plays of Light” by Gordon McAlpin

This video is the third and final project for my GDES8114 Graphic Design Studio class at University of Minnesota —Twin Cities. It’s more than a little depressing, and a bit slow-paced (like how I like my movies). And (mild spoilers) it’s probably a little bit like how Jason’s next film will be. My camera doesn’t handle low light video as well as I’d hoped, unfortunately, and I wished I’d had more footage to incorporate into the second half of the film, but I’m generally happy with the results.

Thanks to Miles Mercer for access to the Hollywood Theater and Earl Luckes for access to the Parkway Theater (and turning on the projector). Historic photographs of the Hollywood Theater courtesy the Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries.

Music: “Virtutes Instrumenti” by Kevin MacLoed (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0