Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Archive for the ‘Bonus Comics’ Category


On Multiplex and cut-and-paste comics

(Originally posted at LiveJournal on July 29, 2008.)

Why I don’t do a journal comic. #2

Another stupid thing I drew today because I had nothing to do for real work.

I can’t draw the same thing the same way twice, so this is actually decent practice. Except that my hand got tired and I started getting super-sloppy. Sometimes that’s good because it forces you to loosen up, but whatever.

Also, my Copic nib started going wonky on me again. I seem to burn through those…

(Originally posted at LiveJournal on July 28, 2008.)

Why I don’t do a journal comic.

Or, what I do all day besides play Scrabulous. (Originally posted at LiveJournal on July 28, 2008.)

“Baldy” short story adaptation

This is an adaptation of Joe Killiany’s short story “Baldy.” The adaptation appeared in issue 4 of Barrelhouse back in 2007. You can read the original short story online here.