Hello! Miss me? I’ll be posting Multiplex Movie Review comics here occasionally for the near future, so don’t forget to come back by or cyberstalk me on one of the umpty-million places you can do that.
The Multiplex 10 Kickstarter project has passed $10,500 (as of this writing) in its first week thanks to over 300 backers. There’s plenty of time left, and that’s nearly 70% of the goal — so things are looking good. But the sooner the project passes its goal, the better chance it has at getting pledges from people who aren’t as familiar with Multiplex and my work as you guys are.
Thanks once again for all your support — especially to my Patreon backers — and for all the heartfelt messages over the last week.
p.s. Primer is on Netflix.
UPDATE: By popular demand, Jason’s T-shirt (or a slightly tweaked, more accurate version of it) is now in the Multiplex Store. And yes, it’s also available in women’s sizes!