Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Trailer Watch: Disney’s Marvel’s Big Hero 6 teaser

Big Hero 6 opens on November 7, 2014. Happy birthday to me?

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Trailer Watch: Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service

Matthew Vaughn’s adaptation of the Mark Millar/Dave Gibbons comic The Secret Service stars Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Taron Egerton, and Samuel L. Jackson. The comic is more than a little like if Wanted was about super-spies instead of super-villains, but it translates into a lot of cool, raw material for a fun action flick. And this looks a hell of a lot better than the Wanted movie (or Kick-Ass, for that matter — Vaughn’s earlier Millar movie).

Kingsman: The Secret Service hits theaters on October 24 — obviously gunning for some Oscar nominations, with that release date. (That’s a joke.)

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Trailer Watch: Guardians of the Galaxy trailer #2

Sure, why not?

Guardians of the Galaxy opens August 1, 2014.

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Multiplex for iPhone and iPod touch 2.1 is rolling out to the App Store!

iOS Simulator Screen shot May 13, 2014, 10.48.17 AMMultiplex for iPhone and iPod touch has a slightly overdue refresh: Version 2.1 is in the App Store — well, some places. It may take a bit to get to you, but it is coming!

As users of the app know, it has been a little dodgy lately. What’s happening is, some strip images are being loaded and the app doesn’t recognize that it has finished downloading. It’s a really weird bug, because it only started happening recently, and it only affects certain strips—but if the current strip in the strip view is affected, the app will not load.

Version 2.1 includes a completely rebuilt-for-iOS 7 strip view that fixes the issue. It also sports a UI refresh for iOS 7 (just in time for iOS 8!) and fixes a couple of other minor bugs, like one that would cause the Notes from the Manager to fail to load occasionally.

The bad news is that the app will only support iOS 7 now. Jelly (the developer) and I don’t have the resources to spend more time tracking down what’s actually causing the problem—we’ve tried and failed; it’s a free app; and Jelly is donating his time to make it exist in the first place. So, I’m sorry, iOS 6 users. You will need to upgrade to iOS 7 to use with app with any confidence. You can delete and reinstall the app and it should start working again, but as I said, some strip images may cause it to break again, and we have not been able to figure out why. Literally nothing changed in the code or in the way that I’ve prepared the images.

Hopefully more features will come soon!

If you use the app, please review it! And if you find any bugs, please let us know! We can’t fix it unless we know about it!

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