Those of you who have visted the Multiplex Store recently may have noticed a distinct lack of T-shirts in them. Mostly, this was because my old DTG shirt printer went out of business. Partly, this was because I’m lazy swamped with work this summer. But now that I’ve signed up with a new printer and have the new (responsive!) store design, they are back.
There are currently five classic/old designs — the ever-popular Michael Bay is the Devil shirts (Transformers G1 and TMNT flavors), Rosebud Was My Dick, I Believe in George Romero and the Sarcastic T-shirt shirt that Jason has worn a few times.
But wait! There’s more! There’s also one new design, featuring actual characters from the comic! I call it the Clerks shirt:

All of the shirt shirts are priced from $17.99 — for now. 2XL and larger sizes are a little higher. Men’s shirts are available from XS/Youth Large up to 5XL; ladies shirts come in XS and go up to 2XL. (I’m just passing the additional wholesale costs of the shirts on for those, sorry. I’m offering every size my printer keeps in stock, as well, so I’m sorry if you want a larger size than that.)
Shipping is $5$4 per shirt (in the US) until I can afford a better shipping estimator plug-in for the shop.
ALSO, you can now register or log into the Multiplex Store using your Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts. For you people (like me) who are too lazy to fill out forms and/or too dumb to remember yet another password.
Once again, the Store has been completely rebuilt recently, so please let me know if you spot any bugs!