Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Archive for April 19th, 2017


Multiplex Movie Review milestone goal: Jason reviews every Harry Potter movie

In case you missed it… in order to — fingers crossed — hit the Multiplex 10: the animated short’s base goal sooner rather than later, if we can reach $15,000 on or before Wednesday, April 26 (according to Eastern Daylight Time), I’ll write and draw Multiplex Movie Review comics for all eight of the Harry Potter movies. And if we do it on or before Monday, April 24, I’ll throw in Fantastic Beasts, as well.

These strips will be different than previous review comics, though: Jason will review them at the age he was when each movie was released. So the first ones will be set before the comic strip began, and we’ll get a glimpse of his life before the Multiplex 10, then see him get older with each new movie along with the characters in the movies, etc.