Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Archive for the ‘Etc.’ Category


Multiplex: Chapter 12 is now available!

Multiplex_Ch12_eBook cover

This is not Batman.

The Multiplex: Chapter 12 eBook is now available. This PDF strips #244–263 from the Multiplex archives, plus about five pages of new material, including two strips set on opening night of The Dark Knight!

You can buy them instantly through Gumroad by clicking on the image above OR through the Multiplex Store if you want it to take longer.

Bonus comics for Chapter 13 have already been posted for Patreon and Kickstarter backers, but the ebook won’t arrive until next month.

The Sessions: Voice Acting in Anime and Video Games

This flyer design (including the illustrations, obviously) was a quick freelance project created for Chris Rager, the (English dub) voice of Hercule in Dragon Ball Z and Torgue in Borderlands 2 — a.k.a. the two characters shown here, if you’re unfamiliar with them. He’s starting up a class on voice acting next month and wanted something eye-catching to help promote it.


I met Chris at a convention a year or two ago (that’s why he called me to do this!), and he’s a blast, so if you’re in the Plano, Texas, area and interested, definitely look into this course. The first class runs from March 15th–April 5th, Tuesday evenings from 7–10 pm. (Four classes for three hours each class.)

I don’t know any more details, so just read the flyer!

If nothing else, I thought you guys might like the illustration.

Multiplex will be back soon. (updated)


Today, I said goodbye to my best friend and my uncredited assistant since Multiplex began. As you may know from previous posts here, he has had some health issues for a while, and… well, the short version is, a new infection (compounded by his other issues) raised the question of the quality of his life. We had a good eighteen years.

Good night, sweet boy. I’ll miss you.

Multiplex is taking a short break.

UPDATE: Multiplex will start updating again on 2/12.

Work on Book Three has begun.

Work on Multiplex: The Revenge (Book Three) has begun, with a handful of the bonus comics from Chapters 12 and 13 being posted earlier this week, as well as some behind the scenes stuff that won’t be.

If you didn’t have the chance to support the Kickstarter, remember you can always help support the book by pre-ordering a copy via BackerKit — or if you’d like to read the bonus comics as they’re produced, become a Patreon patron! We’ve just recently dipped below the $600/month threshold for removing the ads completely, and I’d really rather not start running ads again. Ads are the devil!

Patreon patrons have also gotten a sneak peak at some new designs for old faces that will see the light of day eventually… (How’s that for mysterious?)

Here’s the first panel from the longer bonus storyline I’ll be drawing in the near future. I really liked how this turned out; I should really suck it up and do more exterior shots.
