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Posts Tagged ‘Josh Helman’


Trailer Watch: X-Men: Days of Future Past final trailer

This is the most standard action movie trailer yet for X-Men: Days of Future Past, but also the best overview of the plot of the actual film (not to be confused with the premise/basic set-up of sending Wolvie back in time in order to blah blah blah).

Pretty cool stuff. The movie finally comes out on May 23, 2014.

Trailer Watch: X-Men: Days of Future Past official trailer 2

Via the official X-Men Movies YouTube channel comes the latest trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past, joining the cast of the original X-Men movies with that of X-Men: First Class.

X-Men and X2: X-Men United director Bryan Singer returns to the director’s chair (he also produced X-Men: First Class, but Matthew Vaughn directed that puppy). In this new trailer, it looks like Bryan Singer’s gotten better at action, though some of the effects are kind of goofy. (In all likelihood, the Beast will never look good with practical make-up.) The story and the emotional beats that come with it will be the star, though, and that’s where Singer shines.

What do you think?

Trailer Watch: X-Men: Days of Future Past

Singer has gone back to the X-Well with X-Men: Days of Future Past, which comes out on May 23, 2014. Reuniting a ton of X-Men cast and the X-Men: First Class cast, the film is intended (in part) to fix some of the continuity fuck-ups of the series — I’m looking at you, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men: The Last Stand, and while it could just be that I’m a sucker for the Sunshine soundtrack, which underscores most of this trailer, I think this looks pretty solid.