Multiplex - a comic strip about life at the movies

Win a copy of The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2!

The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2 cover
Hey, everybody.

So the good folks at Newmarket Press/Harper Collins apparently heard that I liked this movie called How to Train Your Dragon, and since the sequel is on its way to theaters on June 13, 2014, they contacted me about giving away FIVE (5) copies of The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2 to my readers. I have a copy of the first book, and it’s a gorgeous volume, and the second book should be just as great.

So here are the rules!

ON OR BEFORE MAY 1ST leave a comment below sharing your story of falling in love with How to Train Your Dragon (and if it relates to Multiplex, even better, but that won’t make any difference).

Some limitations do apply, I’m afraid: First, you must live within the United States. (Sorry — not my rule!) Second, you have to use a VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS to post your comment below, so that I can contact you. (Obviously, if you win, I’ll need your mailing address, as well.) Winners will be selected at random from qualifying entries contacted by e-mail NEXT FRIDAY, MAY 2.

You can read the full book description and enter/comment below:

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Trailer Watch: Richard Linklater’s Boyhood

Richard Linklater’s twelve-year epic about everyday life, Boyhood, is like no feature film ever made: it follows one boy from age 6 to age 18 — played by the same actor. If this trailer doesn’t tug at your heartstrings, check your pulse.

Ellar Coltrane stars opposite Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette in the July 11th release.

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The Triple Feature: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Returned, and Ms. Marvel

Joe was stuck in traffic, so Tom Brazelton and I handled it like Captain America and Falcon in Captain America: The Winter Soldier! We also talked about the French supernatural drama The Returned and the all-new Ms. Marvel.

Also, I messed up and forgot to hide the little icons so you can see me when I don’t think you can see me. SUPER PROFESSIONAL PODCASTING SKILLS.

Download: MP3 (36mb)

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Trailer Watch: Jenny Slate in Obvious Child

This apparently hit big at Sundance, and who doesn’t like Jean-Ralphio’s sister on Parks & Rec? Okay, maybe a lot of people, but Jenny Slate is fuckin’ funny. Anyway. Obvious Child is an indie comedy-drama about a young potty-mouth comedian (Slate) who finds out she’s pregnant and… just watch this.

Obvious Child was written and directed by Gillian Robespierre. It hits theaters on June 6, 2014. It’s so indie, its official movie site is on Tumblr.

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