Okay, so I made my “reasonable guesses” as to how Emerald City Comicon went in the Notes from the Manager for today’s strip, and surprisingly enough I wasn’t all that far off. No Summer Glau or George Takei. Spike didn’t attend, so I didn’t get to see her, and I missed out on any Joel Watson karaoke, if there was any. I had awakened on Thursday with a sore throat, though, which had progressed to a full-blown cold by Friday morning. Sadly, I can’t even blame it on airports or the usual confluenza, since I had it before I even left for the airport.
I got into Seattle on Thursday and was quickly whisked off to a gala affair at Phil Foglio’s house with David Willis, which involved a handful of webcomickers sitting and standing around talking shop (as these things do) and some friends of Phil’s and Bill Barnes’s.
Alas, because of my progressively worse cold, I didn’t get to play that much with my fellow webcomickers, but on Saturday night, I did get to have a deliciously hilarious (and inevitably foul) dinner with Tom Brazelton, Danielle Corsetto, Randy Milholland, Lar De Souza and Ryan Sohmer, Joel Watson, and David again before I crapped out. (I shared a hotel room with Dave and Joel, too — after I split Sunday night, this situation ended exactly as you would expect it would.)
Illness notwithstanding, it was great meeting a lot of familiar faces from last year’s ECCC as well as From The Internet, including several backers from the Book 1 Kickstarter project and a few from the new one for Book 2, which even ended up passing $10,000 on Sunday afternoon, before my prediction posted with Monday’s.
Sorry if I got any of you sick by shaking your hand. (As if you’d know it was me specifically.) For what it’s worth, I was Purelling the shit out of my hands every day. Usually I do it to keep from getting sick, but this time, it was to keep anyone else from getting sick.
I had a great time doing a ton of sketches at the show. The Mega Man vs. Cthulhu one above was one of my favorites. If anybody else wants to share sketches I did for them, either in books or on a sheet of Bristol, tweet a photo of it at me! I forgot to take photos of some really fun ones, unfortunately.